All Classes and Interfaces

Supported channels.
Common header attributes.
Validates RequestId and Version headers if they are present.
Normalize the body of Constraint Violation Exception (400 BAD REQUEST) handled directly by Quarkus.
Error codes.
List of errors.
Headers name.
Generates a RequestId if any and stores it in the mapped diagnostic context for logging.
If Channel equals to POS, the MerchantId must not be null.
If Channel equals to POS, the MerchantId must not be null.
Personal Data Vault input class.
This class implements the logic to trace with OpenTelemetry standard the invocations to classes which implements io.quarkus.mongodb.panache.reactive.ReactivePanacheMongoRepositoryBase interface.
Echoes the RequestId header from request to response.
Personal Data Vault output class.
Personal Data Vault client.
Annotation to mark the classes which implement ReactivePanacheMongoRepositoryBase that must be traced.
Patterns to validate headers.