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Benchmark for Typescript Code Generators from OpenAPI

The digital services we provide interact through REST APIs that are documented using OpenAPI specifications.

Using API clients requires the code that handles HTTP requests and responses to strictly adhere to the OpenAPI specifications. This is crucial to ensure that the exchanged data is valid and consistent with the defined schemas. Similarly, when providing APIs through NodeJS services, such as Express or similar frameworks, it is important to follow the same standards. This ensures that the APIs are reliable, scalable, and easy to maintain.

The purpose of this document is to evaluate and compare various TypeScript OpenAPI generators for both frontend and backend development. The evaluation will focus on critical features and help determine whether to invest in a custom tool (make) or adopt an existing tool.

Guiding Principles

Main Requirements

  1. Runtime Payload Control
    The generators must provide runtime controls on the payloads to ensure data integrity and adherence to defined schemas. We believe runtime control is necessary to guarantee that the Typescript type matches the actual structure of the payload. Without this, there's a higher chance of runtime errors due to discrepancies in the data format.

  2. Generation of Isomorphic Types
    The ability to generate types usable both on the client and server sides (e.g., in Express route handlers).

  3. Support for String Patterns (Regex)
    Generators must support string patterns using regular expressions to enforce constraints on string values.

  4. Support for JSON Schema Constraints
    For example, the handling of constraints such as minimum, maximum, exclusiveMinimum, and exclusiveMaximum is essential for validating numeric data.

  5. Community and Maintainability
    A strong community and/or easily maintainable codebase are crucial for the long-term viability and support of the generator.

Additional Features (Nice to Have)

  1. Support for Security Headers
    Generators should support security headers to enhance API security.

  2. Support for File Uploads
    The ability to handle file uploads seamlessly within the API.

  3. Support for File Downloads (Octet Stream)
    There must be support for file downloads, specifically as an octet stream.

  4. Minimal Footprint
    Generators should aim for minimal footprint, e.g., generating one type per file with tree-shaking capabilities to optimize performance.

  5. Developer Experience
    High performance during code generation is important. The generator should be fast and not slow down the IDE, even during type inference.


  • typed-openapi: Converts to Typescript before converting to runtime types (typebox-codegen → zod), losing information on constraints.
  • openapi-generator: Runtime checks are limited to verifying if the value is defined.
  • swagger-codegen: An older version of openapi-generator.
  • autorest: Seems promising on paper, but couldn't get it to start (freezes on startup).
  • openapi-io-ts: Inexistent community, doesn't work with our specs, not maintained.
  • orval: Primarily targets React; generates code that works on our specs.
GeneratorServer TypesCommunitySupports Regex (Pattern String)Supports Min/Max (Number)Supports HTTP Headers

Exclusion Criteria

Some tools are excluded from this benchmark due to lack of runtime controls (at least, as of the writing of this document):

  • heyapi
  • oazapfts
  • openapi-backend
  • openapi-typescript
  • swagger-typescript-api

Although it is possible to translate the generated Typescript types into structures (e.g., zod/typebox) that allow runtime controls, this kind of conversion results in a loss of information on constraints (e.g., maximum, minimum, maxLength, pattern, etc.).

Generated Code Repository

A repository is available to compare the code of different generators: GitHub - gunzip/openapi-generator-benchmark

Issues with openapi-zod-client

  1. Inaccurate type generation.
  2. Poor performance in the IDE due to type inference from the single object passed to the zodios makeApi method.
  3. Dependency on @zodios/core for HTTP calls (via Axios), parameter validation, and query string handling.
  4. Does not support multiple successful values (2xx codes).
  5. Both the client and types are contained in a single file, making it hard to optimize the bundle (important for frontend clients).
  6. The maintainer of zodios has been inactive for a while.

Example of Inaccurate Type Generation

const MessageSubject = z.string();
const MessageBodyMarkdown = z.string();
const MessageContent = z
subject: MessageSubject.min(10).max(120).optional(),
markdown: MessageBodyMarkdown.min(80).max(10000),

Generated from the foloowing OpenAPI schema:

type: string
minLength: 10
maxLength: 120
type: string
minLength: 80
maxLength: 10000
type: object
$ref: "#/components/schemas/MessageSubject"
$ref: "#/components/schemas/MessageBodyMarkdown"
- markdown

Issues with swagger-typescript-api + ts-to-zod

Unlike other Typescript type generators, swagger-typescript-api retains information on constraints (minimum, maximum, maxLength, pattern, etc.) in JSDoc comments associated with type definitions. This allows for the reconstruction of runtime schemas, for example, using tools like ts-to-zod. However:

  1. The generated runtime schemas are separate from the client code, so the “plumbing” to connect the runtime validation (ts-to-zod) to the generated types (swagger-typescript-api) must be implemented manually.
  2. Types are not always accurate due to discrepancies between the annotations generated by swagger-typescript-api and those expected by ts-to-zod (e.g., @min vs @minimum).
  3. Some inaccuracies in type generation produce invalid Typescript code.

Nevertheless, the zod schemas are more faithful than those generated by openapi-zod-client.

Example of Accurate Type Generation

export const messageSubjectSchema = z.string().min(10).max(120);
export const messageBodyMarkdownSchema = z.string().min(80).max(10000);
export const messageContentSchema = z.object({
subject: messageSubjectSchema.optional(),
markdown: messageBodyMarkdownSchema,


As of Jun 2024, no OpenAPI generator fully meets our guiding principles. While openapi-zod-client seems to cover most of the desired features, it still appears to be an immature project, not always accurate in type generation.

It is appropriate to invest in the development of a Typescript code generator from OpenAPI that performs correct and complete runtime checks.